It's free, easy and you can enroll multiple properties!
The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs operates an Enhanced Homeowner Notification Program. This Los Angeles County program gives you a chance to review recorded real estate documents so you are aware when an action takes place on your property or properties. In the program, the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder’s office sends you copies of documents recorded against your home. This gives you a chance to review the real estate documents to be sure they are legitimate. It also gives you your best chance to to protect you from fraud and protect your home from a foreclosure.
If you live in Los Angeles County, you will be mailed copies of documents that change ownership, show loans taken against your home, or a Notice of Default or Notice of Sale.
Los Angeles County has recently expanded the program to allow you to receive even faster notifications through email. With the new e-Notification program, in addition to receiving paper copies by mail, you will receive an email statement advising you of the recording on your property. You must first sign up to receive e-Notification alerts.
To enroll for e-Notification, create a profile on the Los Angeles County Assessor’s portal and opt in for e-Notification by following this link: https://assessor.lacounty.gov/news-information/enotification
Note: The AIN (Assessor Identification Number) can be found on your property tax bill.
When you receive a notification in the mail from the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s Office, it will include two sheets which describe the mailing and explain where to call for help. The notification also includes a copy of the document that was recorded. You can find out the type of document that was recorded by finding the white sheet that has the words, “WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO” in the top left-hand corner. The title of the document will be on that page. Copies of a Notices of Default or Notice of Sale will have clear titles.
To learn more about property ownership documents, visit the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs website here https://dcba.lacounty.gov/portfolio/homeowner-notification-program/ If you have any additional questions, please contact the County of Los Angeles Department of Consumer and Business Affairs through one of the methods listed below:
Phone: (800) 593-8222
Email: homehelp@dcba.lacounty.gov
Online: dcba.lacounty.go
For your own peace of mind, enroll your properties today! If you would like to discuss further or have any real estate questions or needs, please give me a call at 310-901-4687 or email me at steven@stevenmullins.com .
Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.